South America

What does coffee taste like in different countries


Nuts, chocolate and dried fruit


Cherries, stone fruit and chocolate


Red berries, citrus, caramel and cocoa

Full-bodied and sweet coffee with rounded flavors of chocolate, dried fruit, nuts and cherries.



Brazil is the most coffee-producing country in the world. The variation in landscape and climate in this vast country provides enormous production potential. Brazil is a high-tech coffee country where coffee is grown on everything from large farms and huge plantations to smaller family-run farms. Some of the operations are mechanized and some farmers harvest the coffee berries by machine. On smaller farms, they harvest the berries by hand. It is common for the coffee to be fully or partially berry-dried, but you will also find wet-processed coffee.


Coffee has been grown in Colombia since the early 1800s. They are one of the largest coffee producers in the world and the spectacular Andes Mountains offer ideal growing conditions for coffee. The mountain slopes provide humidity and cool temperatures, and the variety of microclimates link distinctive flavors to different coffee regions. High above sea level in hilly terrain, coffee is grown on small, family-run farms where small farmers are responsible for coffee production. The farmers often work together in groups or cooperatives and the coffee beans are mostly wet-processed.


In Peru, the landscape is perfect for coffee, with steep mountain ridges, deep rainforest and fresh sea air. Coffee has been grown in Peru since the 18th century, but the varying climate and lack of infrastructure has created challenges for production and made it difficult to find quality coffee. Coffee farmers in Peru have very small farms and smaller washing stations. The coffee berries are hand-picked, and many of the farmers transport the coffee on foot or by mule. Organic coffee has made the country an important player in organic coffee production.



Step 2: Processing (part 2)


Wet processing

When coffee is wet-processed, the pulp is separated from the coffee berries using a "pulper". A pulper is a machine that presses the coffee berries so that the skin and much of the pulp is separated from the coffee bean. The beans are placed in fermentation tanks so that the sticky sugar layer around them breaks down. This usually takes between 12-36 hours. They are then rinsed with water again before being laid out to dry, completely cleaned of pulp. A wet-processed coffee is often characterized by clean, fresh and delicate flavours.


The aim of drying is to reduce the moisture content of the coffee bean. The coffee is turned and turned to ensure even and good aeration. It can be dried on concrete or tile slabs, or on so-called "raised beds". If it rains and the beans are not covered, it can damage the coffee and the quality will deteriorate. A controlled drying process is therefore very important. After drying, the beans are sorted according to quality and size. The coffee is then ready for sale and export.

... processing part 1 can be found under Asia and Oceania.