While the summer weather varies across the country, our ice-cold baton stays just as stable around the freezing point. Now it has reached Stavanger, where Rustik Café offers "Cape Breeze", an iced drink as refreshing as a west coast wind in July. It's just as likely to be enjoyed under a palm tree in the Bahamas as under the rays of a heat lamp on a Norwegian terrace.

"Cape Breeze" - a summery explosion filled with exciting flavor contrasts of ginger, citrus and rooibos.

This is what you need:

- 6 grams "Energetic Ginger" (fruit tea)
- 1 teaspoon roiboosr
- Juice from one medium-sized lemon
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 100 grams of ice cubes

Here's what you do:

Let the tea (rooibos + Energetic Ginger) steep for four minutes in freshly boiled water. Then stir out the honey and add the lemon juice. Mix everything together in a shaker filled with ice cubes. Serve Cape Breeze over ice in large glasses.

Made by: Rustik Café, Stavanger

For example, enjoy a "Cape Breeze" while you:

Visit Flor & Fjære, the place where "the rainbow hit the earth". On the island of Sør-Hildre, you can enjoy summer peace in the company of palm trees, exotic plants and views of Norwegian fjords and mountains at their best. Flor & Fjære is a twenty-minute boat ride from Stavanger, with regular departures from Skagenkaien throughout the summer.

Photo: Jarvin